03 March 2025

General Changes for 4.44

The following changes have been made for release 4.44

Institution Settings Changes

The following institution settings have been added.

Screen This field Holds this information...
UCAS HE UCAS HE Application year A dropdown to select the application year that should be included in the UCAS import data.
Identity Server External authentication ontrack Learner Hub URL Text field to contain the URL for your external authentication sign up/sign in link.
External authentication ontrack Learner Hub OIDC issuer Contains a drop down of options based on the OIDC issuers reference data
External authentication ontrack Learner Hub client ID Text field to contain the client ID for your external authentication tennant.
External authentication ontrack Learner Hub token scope Text field to contain the token scope for the external authentication

External authentication ontrack Learner Hub link message

Text field to contain the message to be displayed to learners to guide them to the external authentication sign up/sign in.
External authentication ontrack Hub Enabled

Drop down to control if External authentication is enabled for ontrack Hub. Options are:

  • Y

  • N

External authentication ontrack Hub URL Text field to contain the URL for your external authentication sign up/sign in link.
External authentication ontrack Hub OIDC issuer Contains a drop down of options based on the OIDC issuers reference data
External authentication ontrack Hub Client ID Text field to contain the client ID for your external authentication tennant.
External authentication ontrack Hub token scope Text field to contain the token scope for the external authentication
External authentication ontrack link message Text field to contain the message to be displayed to staff to guide them to the external authentication sign up/sign in.
IDP IDP Institution Type

Contains a drop down for institutions to select whether they are an:

  • FE Institution

  • Local Authority

Ontrack HTML sanitization allowed attributes

A comma separated list of html attributes.

class is the default value as this is needed for the reports list page

Ontrack Learner Progress Code for Self-Withdrawn Application The progress code that is assigned to the an application when a student withdraws their own application
Ontrack Learner - Login Page External Authentication - Panel Heading Holds the text in the Panel Title. Can be a maximum of 255 characters.
External Authentication - Panel Text Holds the text in the Panel body. Can be a maximum of 255 characters.
External Authentication - Help URL URL for the help link. This can be a full or relative URL. Can be a maximum of 255 characters.
External Authentication - Button Text Text for the Button. Can be a maximum of 255 characters.
External Authentication - Button Alt / Hint Text Text shown on hover over the Button. Can be a maximum of 255 characters.
External Authentication - (Mobile) Expander Button Text Text for the Button shown on mobile devices. Can be a maximum of 255 characters.
External Authentication - (Mobile) Expander Alt / Hint Text Alt Text for the Button shown on mobile devices. Can be a maximum of 255 characters.
Markbook Show predicted grade in Markbook grid

Drop down with options:

  • Y

  • N

Show working grade in Markbook grid

Drop down with options:

  • Y

  • N

Show target grade in Markbook grid

Drop down with options:

  • Y

  • N

Show UCAS predicted grade in Markbook grid

Drop down with options:

  • Y

  • N

Show aggregate score in Markbook grid

Drop down with options:

  • Y

  • N

Configuration Page Tryout enabled Allows to control if Tryout mode is enabled for pages in testing. Turning this off when it's not needed can significantly improve performance.

The following changes have been made to existing institution settings:

  • In Ontrack Learner the institution setting for Learner ID photo upload automatically replaces ID photo has been updated, so that the options better reflect how it works.

  • In IDP Institution Settings the following changes have been made:

    • The School Number field has been renamed to Establishment Number.

    • The Phase field has been removed.

  • In Ontrack Learner - Login Page Institution Settings the Display Create Account Panel on screen? field has been updated to contain three options:

    • "Y - Create Account"

    • "Y - External Authentication"

    • "N - Do not Display"

Roles Changes

The following roles have been added.

Role Group Role Allows users to...
ebs: Ontrack Correspondence Manager Manage Templates create or edit templates in Correspondence Manager

Reference Data Changes

The following reference data screens have been added:

  • WAL IDP LEA Numbers reference data has been added. This includes a list of the Welsh LEAs their numbers and descriptions.

  • Grading Schemes reference data has been added. This data allows you to control the grading schemes to be used in the new markbook.

The following changes have been made to existing reference data:

  • In OIDCreference data we have updated the options in the ebs Property drop down. This is to allow administrators to control how users are able to log in. The options added are:

    • Personal Email: Similar behaviour as College Email, allow exact match on personal email address

    • Personal or College Email: Allow match on either a personal or college address. Block access when no match or match to more than one user.

  • In Regulation Properties reference data we have added an additional rounding method. The option to round up to the nearest integer has been added to allow institution to meet the requirements from regulatory bodies.

  • In Event Type reference data a column Show in Learner Portal has been added. This controls if the selected event is shown in the new calendar control on the learner homepage.

  • NZ In Consortium reference data the following consortia have been set to inactive:

    • 115036 SkillMe Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (EDUMIS 6018)

    • 115038 Bay of Plenty Māori and Pasifika Trades Training Consortium (EDUMIS 6003)

    the following consortium has been added

    • 115026 Te Ara Poutama

  • NZ In Course Classification reference data the following codes have been set to inactive:

    • #40 Te Reo Maori

    • #41 Tikanga Maori

    the following code has been added:

    • #42 Maori

  • NZ In Funding Category reference data the code W has been added.

  • NZ In Fees Free reference data the following codes have been added.

    • 3 - Student is eligible for fees-free, started fees-free consumption in 2023, and always has a status as 3

    • 4 - Student is eligible for fees-free, started fees-free consumption in 2024, and always has a status as 4